Stephanie's Ponytail - Classic Munsch Audio (Unabridged)

Stephanie's Ponytail - Classic Munsch Audio (Unabridged)
12,99 € *

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  • 9781773215860
  • Robert Munsch
  • Robert Munsch
  • 19. April 2022
  • 00:07:00
  • 4-7 Jahre
  • Copyright:
    2022 , 2022
None of the kids in her class wear a ponytail, so Stephanie decides she must have one. The loud,... mehr
Produktinformationen "Stephanie's Ponytail - Classic Munsch Audio (Unabridged)"
None of the kids in her class wear a ponytail, so Stephanie decides she must have one. The loud, unanimous comment from her classmates is: "Ugly, ugly, very ugly. " Steadfast, when all the girls have copied her ponytail, she resolves to try a new style. With true Munsch flair, each of Stephanie's ponytails is more outrageous than the last, while the cast of copycats grows and grows.
Sprache: Englisch
Kapitel Titel Spielzeit 1 Chapter 1 - Stephanie's Ponytail - Classic Munsch Audio... mehr
1Chapter 1 - Stephanie's Ponytail - Classic Munsch Audio03:00
2Chapter 2 - Stephanie's Ponytail - Classic Munsch Audio05:00

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