The Spark Inside (Unabridged)

The Spark Inside (Unabridged)
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  • 9781772130966
  • Ami Chen Mills-Naim
  • Janice Ryan
  • 27. Dezember 2022
  • 01:25:00
  • 9-12 Jahre
  • Copyright:
    2022 , 2022
This is an important book for children and young adults, whether they are psychologically or... mehr
Produktinformationen "The Spark Inside (Unabridged)"
This is an important book for children and young adults, whether they are psychologically or emotionally in trouble or not. This book is equally important for parents, teachers and counselors. The Spark Inside reveals, in easily understood language, the innate health that resides in each and every one of us. It shows young people that they can let go of the dark and negative thoughts that leads to low self-esteem, painful feelings, and anti-social behaviour. It explains that all youth have the ability to embrace healthy thoughts and lift their spirits into a state of creativity and peace that is their birthright, improving their connection to family, friends and the greater community. In addition to our mandate to teach children how to cross the street safely and how to read and write, this book provides the essential curriculum to help them discover how to live well, with more happiness and success-no matter what their background, skills and interests.
Sprache: Englisch
Kapitel Titel Spielzeit 1 Chapter 1 - The Spark Inside 03:00 2 Chapter 2 - The... mehr
1Chapter 1 - The Spark Inside03:00
2Chapter 2 - The Spark Inside03:00
3Chapter 3 - The Spark Inside03:00
4Chapter 4 - The Spark Inside03:00
5Chapter 5 - The Spark Inside03:00
6Chapter 6 - The Spark Inside03:00
7Chapter 7 - The Spark Inside03:00
8Chapter 8 - The Spark Inside03:00
9Chapter 9 - The Spark Inside03:00
10Chapter 10 - The Spark Inside03:00
11Chapter 11 - The Spark Inside03:00
12Chapter 12 - The Spark Inside03:00
13Chapter 13 - The Spark Inside03:00
14Chapter 14 - The Spark Inside03:00
15Chapter 15 - The Spark Inside03:00
16Chapter 16 - The Spark Inside03:00
17Chapter 17 - The Spark Inside03:00
18Chapter 18 - The Spark Inside03:00
19Chapter 19 - The Spark Inside03:00
20Chapter 20 - The Spark Inside03:00
21Chapter 21 - The Spark Inside03:00
22Chapter 22 - The Spark Inside03:00
23Chapter 23 - The Spark Inside03:00
24Chapter 24 - The Spark Inside03:00
25Chapter 25 - The Spark Inside03:00
26Chapter 26 - The Spark Inside03:00
27Chapter 27 - The Spark Inside06:00

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