The Nutcracker - Classics as a Audio play with Music

The Nutcracker - Classics as a Audio play with Music
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  • 9783947161348
  • Pyotr Tchaikovsky
  • Will de Meo, David Johnston, Kevin Ford, Eva Russel, Catherine Campion, Peter Baker, Chris Lateano
  • 10. Oktober 2020
  • 00:56:00
  • 6-99 Jahre
  • Copyright:
    2020 , 2020
The Nutkracker - a full cast audio play featuring famous melodies and beautiful music. On... mehr
Produktinformationen "The Nutcracker - Classics as a Audio play with Music"
The Nutkracker - a full cast audio play featuring famous melodies and beautiful music.
On Christmas Eve, Clara receives a nutcracker from her godfather Drosselmeyer. During the night she has a strange dream: the nutcracker is fighting with his toy soldiers against the army of the Mouse King. Clara helps him, whereupon the nutcracker turns into a prince. Together they travel to the realm of sweets, where they get caught in a snowstorm and eventually land in Zuckerburg Castle. There the Sugar Plum Fairy celebrates a fantastical festival of sweets. It's a shame that this was all just a dream - or was it?
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born in Russia on May 7, 1840. At first he embarked on a civil service career as a lawyer, from 1862 he studied music in Saint Petersburg. The melodies he composed are known worldwide. He created numerous works, including the three ballet pieces: Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake and The Nutcracker. His most famous opera is Eugene Onegin. The three string quartets, the piano trio in A minor, his six symphonies, including his last work - the grandiose Pathetique are still hugely popular today. Tchaikovsky died of poisoning on November 6, 1893 in Saint Petersburg.
Sprache: Englisch
Kapitel Titel Spielzeit 1 Track 1 - The Nutcracker 02:00 2 Track 2 - The... mehr
1Track 1 - The Nutcracker02:00
2Track 2 - The Nutcracker02:00
3Track 3 - The Nutcracker02:00
4Track 4 - The Nutcracker02:00
5Track 5 - The Nutcracker02:00
6Track 6 - The Nutcracker02:00
7Track 7 - The Nutcracker02:00
8Track 8 - The Nutcracker02:00
9Track 9 - The Nutcracker02:00
10Track 10 - The Nutcracker02:00
11Track 11 - The Nutcracker02:00
12Track 12 - The Nutcracker02:00
13Track 13 - The Nutcracker02:00
14Track 14 - The Nutcracker02:00
15Track 15 - The Nutcracker02:00
16Track 16 - The Nutcracker02:00
17Track 17 - The Nutcracker02:00
18Track 18 - The Nutcracker02:00
19Track 19 - The Nutcracker02:00
20Track 20 - The Nutcracker02:00
21Track 21 - The Nutcracker02:00
22Track 22 - The Nutcracker02:00
23Track 23 - The Nutcracker02:00
24Track 24 - The Nutcracker02:00
25Track 25 - The Nutcracker02:00
26Track 26 - The Nutcracker02:00
27Track 27 - The Nutcracker02:00
28Track 28 - The Nutcracker02:00
29Track 29 - The Nutcracker02:00
30Track 30 - The Nutcracker02:00
31Track 31 - The Nutcracker02:00

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